sway教程_什么是Microsoft Sway,该如何处理?
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Sway logo

As part of Microsoft’s push towards cloud and mobile apps, it has invested in several cloud-only additions to the old Office apps with which you’re familiar. One of these is Sway, a friendlier alternative to PowerPoint.

作为Microsoft推动云和移动应用程序发展的一部分,它已向您熟悉的旧Office应用程序投资了几项仅云功能。 其中之一是Sway,它是PowerPoint的更友好的替代品。

Microsoft为什么需要PowerPoint替代方案? (Why Does Microsoft Need a PowerPoint Alternative?)

If you’ve ever worked in an office environment, you most likely associate PowerPoint with shiny-suited salespeople and managers with no public speaking skills. That’s not entirely fair, because you can produce brilliant presentations in PowerPoint. But, life isn’t fair, and PowerPoint is a big, heavy, corporate tool with a matching reputation.

如果您曾在办公环境中工作过,则很可能会将PowerPoint与没有公开演讲技能的时髦的销售人员和经理联系起来。 这并不完全公平,因为您可以在PowerPoint中制作出色的演示文稿。 但是,生活是不公平的,PowerPoint是一种大型,沉重的公司工具,并且具有相称的声誉。

The Sway app front page

Enter , which is Microsoft’s attempt to provide a lightweight, cloud-only, story-telling application that is easier to use than PowerPoint and provides more narrative devices than simply slide after slide of bullet points.

输入 ,这是Microsoft尝试提供的轻量级,纯云,讲故事的应用程序,该应用程序比PowerPoint易于使用,并且提供的叙事设备比逐个滑动子弹点更容易。

有人可以使用吗? (Can Anybody Use It?)

Anybody can use Sway if they sign up for a free Microsoft account. People with an Office 365 can also use Sway. There are some differences between the free version and the Office 365 version, but these are mainly on the admin side and let you do things like password protect a Sway (oh yeah, Sway documents are called “Sways”) or remove the footer. There are also some differences in how much content you can , but the free version still provides more than enough for the average user.

只要注册免费的Microsoft帐户,任何人都可以使用Sway。 拥有Office 365的人也可以使用Sway。 免费版和Office 365版之间有一些区别,但是主要是在管理员方面,您可以通过密码保护Sway(哦,是的,Sway文档称为“ Sways”)或删除页脚。 可以多少内容也存在一些差异,但是免费版本仍然为普通用户提供了足够的内容。

Let’s take a look at why you might want to use Sway.


我该怎么办? (What Can I Do With Sway?)

If there’s one thing more intimidating than staring at a blank Word document wondering what to write, it’s staring at a blank PowerPoint presentation wondering what to add. Presentations are by their nature intended for others to view, and plenty of people are terrified of public speaking to start with, so a blank PowerPoint can be enough to make you give up then and there.

如果还有比盯着空白的Word文档想知道要写什么更令人生畏的事情,那就盯着空白的PowerPoint演示文稿想着要添加什么。 演示文稿本质上是供其他人查看的,很多人一开始都对公开演讲感到恐惧,因此空白的PowerPoint足以让您在那时和那里放弃。

This fear has always been one of the biggest problems with PowerPoint. Thankfully Microsoft has recognized this, and they’ve gone to great lengths to prevent this fear with Sway. Most people are not specialists in design and layout, so Microsoft has provided a bunch of templates (18 at the time of writing) for common presentations to help get you past the creator’s block and started designing.

这种恐惧一直是PowerPoint的最大问题之一。 值得庆幸的是,微软已经意识到了这一点,他们竭尽全力防止Sway产生这种恐惧。 大多数人都不是设计和布局方面的专家,因此Microsoft提供了一堆用于常见演示的模板(撰写本文时为18个),以帮助您摆脱创建者的限制并开始设计。

These templates include things like business presentations, portfolios, resumes, and newsletters. They also provide several “get inspired” presentations to give you an idea of things Sway can do.

这些模板包括业务演示,投资组合,简历和新闻通讯。 他们还提供了几个“获得启发”的演示文稿,使您对Sway可以做的事情有一个了解。

A list of Sway templates

If what you’re writing about doesn’t appear here, or you’re just stuck on what to put in your presentation, Sway can help you build an outline. There is a “Start From a Topic” option which will bring up a topic selector from which to choose.

如果您所写的内容没有出现在此处,或者您只是停留在演示文稿中,则Sway可以帮助您构建轮廓。 有一个“从主题开始”选项,它将弹出一个主题选择器供您选择。

The Start From a Topic dialogue

We can’t emphasize enough how impressive this part of Sway is. If you enter a term—we used “technology”—Sway will produce the outline of a presentation for you, with definitions, uses, areas to cover, suggested linked topics, images, and more. This is all powered from Wikipedia data and gives full links back to the pages it uses. There’s only so much to say about this before we run out of superlatives, so really, try it yourself. It’s simply brilliant.

我们不能足够强调Sway的这一部分令人印象深刻。 如果您输入一个术语(我们使用了“技术”),Sway将为您生成演示文稿的大纲,包括定义,用途,覆盖范围,建议的链接主题,图像等。 这些全部由Wikipedia数据提供支持,并提供完整链接回到其使用的页面。 在我们用尽最高级功能之前,只有太多话要说,因此,请您自己尝试一下。 真是太好了。

There’s also a decided emphasis on storytelling, rather than presenting. Sway is designed for a narrative structure that flows, either left to right or up to down, and the presenter (or reader) can use a mouse wheel to move through it rather than a button or a click. This is a small but subtle distinction; PowerPoint feels like a series of steps but Sway feels like a journey, so it’s easier to follow the flow as if you’re reading naturally. For this reason, Sway doesn’t have slides; it has a single storyline.

还明确强调讲故事,而不是演示。 Sway是为叙事结构设计的,该叙事结构从左到右或从上到下流动,演示者(或阅读者)可以使用鼠标滚轮在其中移动,而不是使用按钮或单击。 这是一个微小但微妙的区别。 PowerPoint感觉像是一系列步骤,但是Sway感觉像是一段旅程,因此,按照流程进行操作就好像您在自然阅读一样容易。 因此,Sway没有幻灯片 。 它只有一个故事情节

The Storylines option

Whether you’ve picked a template, started with a topic, or are beginning with a blank Sway, you add what Sway calls cards to enter new content.


The add a new card button

There is a multitude of different cards to choose from, such as text, video, grid, or heading, and each one is tailored to a specific kind of information. But unlike PowerPoint slides, the cards work together seamlessly as you scroll through the finished Sway. This means that they’re read as part of a narrative, not individual elements.

有多种不同的卡片可供选择,例如文本,视频,网格或标题,并且每种卡片都针对特定的信息量身定制。 但是与PowerPoint幻灯片不同,当您滚动浏览完成的Sway时,这些卡可以无缝地协同工作。 这意味着它们被视为叙述的一部分,而不是单个元素。

When you’ve finished your Sway, or you want to see what it looks like so far, there is a Design option to help you with the finished product.


The Design option

You can scroll through your Sway and flick between Storylines and Design to make and review changes. Sway will also help you with the design elements once you’ve started getting the content the way you want. In the top right of the Design page is a Styles option, which gives you access to layout options and the ability to “remix” your design.

您可以在“摇摆”中滚动,并在“故事情节”和“设计”之间滑动以进行和查看更改。 一旦您开始以想要的方式获取内容,Sway还将帮助您使用设计元素。 在“设计”页面的右上角有一个“样式”选项,它使您可以访问布局选项以及“重新混合”设计的功能。

The Styles option, with formatting and remix options

You can choose whether your Sway scrolls horizontally or vertically (and yes, even as individual slides if you want to), the color theme, the background, and a few other things as well. Of course, it can be difficult to know if what you’ve chosen will look good to others, and there are plenty of options to choose from, so Sway gives you a Remix button which will apply a random design to your Sway. You can click Remix as many times as you want, and it will be quite a while before it starts repeating designs.

您可以选择Sway是水平滚动还是垂直滚动(是的,即使您愿意,也可以滚动成单个幻灯片),颜色主题,背景以及其他一些内容。 当然,很难知道您选择的内容对其他人看起来是否很好,并且有很多选择可供选择,因此Sway为您提供了Remix按钮,该按钮将为您的Sway应用随机设计。 您可以根据需要多次单击“重新混合”,并且要花很长时间才能开始重复设计。

When you’ve got your Sway the way you want, it can be published and shared. Remember, this is a cloud-only app, so there’s no file to download, but you can embed a Sway in a web page if you want people to view it without having to go to a specific sharing link.

当您以自己想要的方式拥有Sway时,就可以发布和共享它。 请记住,这是一个仅用于云的应用程序,因此没有文件可供下载,但是如果希望人们查看它而不必转到特定的共享链接,则可以将Sway嵌入网页中。

Sway is a simple tool that can produce some great results. It’s jam-packed with features to help you with the difficult design bits so you can focus on the content and best of all it’s free. Microsoft doesn’t always get things right, but with Sway, they’ve created something handy, at the best possible price.

Sway是一个简单的工具,可以产生一些出色的结果。 它挤满了功能,可帮助您解决困难的设计问题,因此您可以专注于内容,并且最好免费。 微软并非总能做到正确,但是借助Sway,他们已经以最优惠的价格创造了便捷的产品。




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